Review: Google’s “Be Internet Awesome”

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay As my kids get older, I’m beginning to wonder how the heck I’m going to teach them about the internet. I came of age alongside the internet, so I was already a teenager when I started using it. Besides being (reasonably) developmentally rational when I was first exposed to the…

The Gaming Connection

Image by Monika Baechler from Pixabay My husband and I allow our kids an hour of screen time a day, which they covet like it’s a precious jewel. Thus, it’s very surprising to me that on the weekends, nine times out of ten, they happily give this time over to playing video games with my…

Reconsidering “Sharenting”

Image from stevepb on Pixabay A Wall Street Journal article titled “Why I Put My Dog’s Photo on Social Media, but Not My Son’s” by Joanna Stern came out recently with a term I had not encountered before. “Sharenting,” which according to a research paper by Stacey Steinberg, a juvenile law attorney and law professor at…

How Being Outside Helps Children on the Inside

Image by tung256 on Pixabay As Spring rapidly approaches, I’ve been thinking about ways to spend time with my children outside to take advantage of the warmer weather. Researching this topic I came across a lot of discussion about how kids’ increased use of technology correlates to a decrease in the time they spend outside…and…

Bringing Back Daydreaming

I’ve recently been reading The Self-Driven Child by William Stixrud and Ned Johnson and one topic they bring up is the importance of activating the brain’s “Default Mode Network” (DMN) by allowing time for daydreaming (i.e., being bored). According to the authors, in 2001 neuroscientist Marcus Raichle published a study that demonstrated that engaging the…